Tax and Tip
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Mina's tax and tip
# 1. input cost of meal
# 3. compute the tip of 18 percent of the meal without tax
# 4. output the tax amount
# 5. output the tip amount
# 6. output the grand total
# 7. format the output so all the values are displayed using 2 decimals
taxes_percent = 6.875
taxes = taxes_percent/100.0
tip_percent = 18
tip = tip_percent/100.0
cost_meal = input('What is the cost of your meal? ')
cost_meal = float(cost_meal)
total_tax = cost_meal * taxes
print('Total Taxes: $%0.2f' % total_tax)
total_tip = cost_meal * tip
print('Total Tip : $%0.2f' % total_tip)
grand_total = total_tip + total_tax + cost_meal