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  1. taxandtip.py

    Tax and Tip

    #!/usr/bin/env python3 
    # Mina's tax and tip  
    # 1. input cost of meal 
    # 3. compute the tip of 18 percent of the meal without tax 
    # 4. output the tax amount 
    # 5. output the tip amount 
    # 6. output the grand total 
    # 7. format the output so all …
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  2. Blah blah blah code

    Working on learning Python3:

    # Mina's Bottle Deposit
    smallbottledep = 0.10
    largebottledep = 0.25
    smallbottles = float(input('How many small bottles? (less than 1L): '))
    largebottles = float(input('How many large bottles? (1L or more): '))
    smalldep = (smallbottles * smallbottledep)
    largedep = (largebottles * largebottledep)
    print('small deposit: $%0.2f' % smalldep)
    print('large deposit: $%0 …
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